Icecast Directory
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MRR - Manitu Rock Radio
On Air: Deep Purple - Highway Star
In space, you can only hear Rock! The best of a generation's soundtrack
On Air: Roy Donders - Ga Voor Goud
Light Favorites, Easy108
On Air: The Cranberries - Dreams
Over 5 decades of light favorites
96.3 Seahaven FM
On Air:
On Air: Gnarls Barkley - Going On
Styl'fm la radio du Haut-Poitou, pour toute la famille, tout l'année....
On Air: Tasha Cobbs Leonard - ''God I Look To You''
On Air: RadioFreccia
libera come noi
Rivierenland Radio
On Air: When Summer Ends - Van Velzen
Rivierenland Radio, alleen de mooiste muziek stroomt uit je speakers.
24/7 London Radio
On Air: AutoDJ%3a%20Kayser%20Medienverlag%20%2d%20jazz%202
SUN Soul & Funk
On Air: Curtis Mayfield - Billy Jack (1975)
Le Son Soul & Funk
On Air: RADIO%20ADVENIR%20%2d%20FAMILIA%20MURK%2e%20El%20lugar%20de%20paz
On Air: 02%20Treat%20Me%20Good
On Air: AC-DC - Highway to Hell
This is my server name
On Air:
This is my server description
Radio Lisburn Live
On Air: The Communards, Sarah Jane Morris - Don't Leave Me This Way (with Sarah Jane Morris)
Radio Lisburn Live
Hilldene Radio
On Air: De%20La%20Soul%20%2d%20Eye%20Know
Local station to Hilldene
On Air: Shawty Pimp - 1 Mean Stang
Radio Secousse
What I Like Radio
On Air: Brett Holcomb Art Rooney - The Drop
What I Like Radio playing the music we like with artist like ABC, Alanis Morissette, Asia, B-52's, Billy Idol, Blondie, Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Depeche Mode, George LaMond, George Michael, Gloria Estefan, Heavy D and the Boyz, Journey, Lionel Richie, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Pet Shop Boys, Real Mccoy, Ricky Martin, Stevie Nicks, Styx, Van Halen, Whitney Houston and tons more! Fridays in 2024 The Masters Of Mix with the Back In Time Brothers. Saturday Nights at 9'pm The Freestyle Factory and Saturday Nights at 10 PM it's the Saturday Night Classic Dance Party with DJ Jan The Man! What I Like Radio playing what I Like!
Radio Hoyer 2
On Air:
E Solo di Pueblo
Klara Nostalgia
On Air: Heli Lääts - See väike rõõm (Väike rõõm palju loeb) / Little Things Mean a Lot - Carl Stutz / Edith Lindeman / Heldur Karmo
Klara Nostalgia (128 kbps MP3) | Eesti Rahvusringhääling |
Irish Radio Canada
On Air: Mareka Naito & Junji Shirota - Night in That Land - Through The Wood
Streaming 24/7 to the world
SUN Metal
On Air: Zeal & Ardor - Baphomet (MVKA - 2019)
Le Son Metal
On Air: Bon Jovi - Thank You For Loving Me (2000)
de lokale omroep van Albrandswaard
On Air: heal the pain - george michael
Unspecified description
On Air: Alphonse Mouzon - The Jogger
Radio for people with something to say.
Namathu FM
On Air: Ilaiyaraaja, S. Janaki - Idhayam Oru-StarMusiQ.Com
VosCast Auto DJ
no name
On Air:
Free Social Radio 1431AM - Thessaloniki/Greece - High
On Air: Mousikes Epiloges 1431AM
Free speech, counter-information
Unique Offshore Radio Tribute
On Air:
Unique Offshore Radio Tribute
Hedonia Radio
On Air: Pink Martini - Autrefois
Bien-être, Culture et Musiques