Icecast Directory
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On Air: DIGITAL%202%20%2d%20L%20a%20Radio%20Des%20Hits
Musiques françaises et internationales des Années 70’s à aujourd’hui
Moab Rocks Community Radio
On Air: 055%20Deep%20Purple%20%2d%20Mad%20Dog
Radio Warmii i Mazur
On Air: Radio Warmii i Mazur
Radio Warmii i Mazur
Maurice c'est la nuit. Du lundi au vendredi de 21H à minuit
On Air:
Appelle Maurice - SKype Maurice Usa
On Air: Adel Al Iraqi Galbi Tayib Kan
Radio Grand Brive - RGB - 94.3 FM
On Air: David Tétard - L'amour Passe
Decouvertes Musicales - Infos locales
ABC 80s
On Air: Pink%20Floyd%20%2d%20Another%20Brick%20in%20the%20Wall%20%28Part%202%29
On Air:
Magic FM Radio
On Air: Radio MagicFM - Al Bano
Magic FM Bulgaria. The best music from the 80s to today!
Channel Z The Edge
On Air: Tara Maclean - At Seventeen (99)
Channel Z The Edge - We Play It All
Reggae4us Global Radio™
On Air: Keznamdi - She Is A Queen
More Life More Love More Respect
WHRW Binghamton
On Air:
Mp3 (320 Kbps)
On Air: Home%20session%20%2d%20album%20honneur%20a%cc%80%20l%27Agneau%20%28Partie%202%29
This is my server name
On Air: New Emotion by TTF
This is my server description
Social Music Radio
On Air: DJ Loyd :The Wizard Of Oz: Live Radio Show
Social Music Radio (SMR) is an internet radio broadcasting station. We host several volunteer DJ’s, who offer a variety of music genres. Our purpose is to create a national interactive service that can promote happiness & wellbeing for all our listeners. This is especially so for some of our older age group listeners who may have become isolated in more recent times. Due to the nature of the internet, our station has the potential to cross international borders & become a world wide service.
Click Your Radio - Rock & Blues
On Air: Ivarr%20%2d%20Sign
Dit is Reality FM
On Air: Wolfgang Saufi - Zoet Zout Zuur (Après-Ski)
On Air: Anthony B - King In My Castle On TBNRR
We are focused on developing reggae music as a strong social and cultural power, not only in Jamaica but all over the world. TBN reggae radio is focused on capturing and documenting the dynamic persona of jamaica’s rich musical landscape.
Online Radio
On Air: Paula Abdul - Rush Rush
On Air: Dj Online
BFM Radio (BrooklynFM) [Russian]
On Air: Heath Hunter & The Pleasure Company - Revolution In Paradise
Наша музыка - Ваше удовольствие!
WCFM 91.9
On Air: Angel Olsen - White Fire
Williams College WCFM
Radio Campus Amiens
On Air:
Radio Campus Amiens
Caraiba FM
On Air: Ao Vivo - Live Broadcast
Unspecified description
On Air: Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woma
Star104 - Today's Hottest Country Music!
Pure Twenty Four (Pure 24)
On Air: Teddy Swims - The Door
24/7 European Hits, (Soft)Pop, Dance
On Air:
96.9 The Oasis Internet Radio
On Air: Vince Broomfield - The Champion
96.9 The Oasis Internet Radio
On Air: Trio - Da Da Da - Trio
Default Stream
On Air: Jah Rich 2 Hour Mix 4 - Jah Rich 2 hour mix 4
VosCast Auto DJ