Icecast Directory
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On Air: NDG_OrazioVoice
powered by Fluidstream
Radio Gibson Music
On Air: Peter DJ presenta...90 all'ora - Tutta la musica degli anni 90 che ha mosso il mondo
Make a Difference
On Air: Έλα πάρε μου τη λύπη - Ελένη Τσαλιγοπούλου [uV6]
Jazz Radio International
On Air: AutoDJ%3a%20Kayser%20Medienverlag%20%2d%20Smooth%20jazz%2018
On Air:
Unspecified description
Radio LoveCraft
On Air: ЛС - Мне никто не нужен
Online Radio
On Air: Henk Van Daam - Quando Quando
Sovietwave MP3
On Air: Аметистовые Вены - На пустынных улицах
Sovietwave: music that dreams of the past
1000 Discofox
On Air: ♬ JP Music Project - Immer Dann
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Five FM Romania -
On Air: Club Rotation LIVE with Mike Riverra (Part One)
The Revolution Of GOOD MUSIC
Megarock Radio - All Request Rock
On Air: Eagles - The Long Run
All request rock radio, live 24/7. Where the listener rules! Request music at
no name
On Air: Joge vercilo - Que Nem Mar� - Mix
Rutas Alternas
On Air: FIM GDL 2025
Plataforma de información musical
90s Pinoy Alternative
On Air: Eraserheads - Pare Ko [53Jz]
Remastered Philippine Alternative music from the nineties
SUN Junior
On Air: Harry Belafonte - Jump in the Line (RCA Records Label - 2014)
Le Son Junior
On Air:
Radio Bern RaBe 95.6
On Air: Radio Bern - El Gato Calculista
Das Berner Kulturradio mit Musik und Themen die in anderen Medien zu kurz kommen. Alles ohne Werbeunterbrueche!
On Air: Elisa - Dillo Solo Al Buio
Radio Indieffusione 24/7
My Station name
On Air:
My station description
88vier - Kreatives Radio fuer Berlin
On Air: Cashmere Radio - Cashmere Guest Mixes: Sound of the Kanbals w/ mmiyandi
Unspecified description
On Air: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Save the population
The Last Alternative Radio
On Air:
TrueColors Radio
On Air: Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass
Non-commercial internet radio station, broadcasting popular modern music including best compositions from the past, showcasing soul, funk, rock, disco, blues, reggae and other genres of music.
Megarock Radio - All Request Rock
On Air: Eagles - The Long Run
All request rock radio, live 24/7. Where the listener rules! Request music at
Hexagone FM
On Air: Jean Ferrat - La femme est l'avenir de l'homme
De 1950 à aujourd'hui, découvrez la Fabuleuse Histoire de la Chanson Francophone. Tous les immenses succès sont sur Hexagone pour votre plus grand plaisir. Des souvenirs plein la tête, des moments de bonheur. Alors retrouvez nous vite sur
Colne Radio 106.6 FM
On Air: In The Mix - 80s Remixed
Connecting Communities
Lafamilia Main
On Air: Teds - Tanztee
Unspecified description
Radio de lachenbekkies vh westen
On Air: nu live met DJ ferdinand
Radio de lachenbekkies vh westen
Maurice c'est la nuit. Du lundi au vendredi de 21H à minuit
On Air:
Appelle Maurice - SKype Maurice Usa
1000 Techno
On Air: Benga - Dubstep -
Wir spielen Techno, sonst nichts.