Icecast Directory
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ABC 60's
On Air: Bobby Vinton - Halfway To Paradise
"Memories of a life-time"
Comedy104 - A Station
On Air: Doug Stanhope - School Shootings
Comedy104 - Laugh Your Ass Off!
On Air: Keeping Real Variety in Music
On Air:
Unspecified description
Gure Irratia
On Air:
On Air: Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (Madison Mars Remix)
[] Best Remix ever! Die größten Hits mit den besten Remixen nonstop - By LionFM.
Online Radio
On Air: X 102 FM
On Air: Rita Lee - Jardins da Babilonia
My station description
Kayanm fm
On Air: Now Playing: ZAMELA - Rémix pays la france
PROS audio
On Air: Whitney Houston - All At Once
Eco FM
On Air: Eco FM - Conteaza ce asculti
Cea mai buna muzica in format Eco
On Air:
Unspecified description
On Air: Dj Online
Punkrockers Radio
On Air: Pornoheft - Ohne Gehirn
Punkrockers Radio - 24/7 Punkrock aus der Dose und Live-Shows!
HITS AND FUN - from Paris France ! Top40 station
On Air: Unknown
Hits and Fun - More Than Music -
GANORIUM Radio – 100% Real Trance
On Air: Flynn & Denton and Audrey Gallagher - Say my Name (Original Mix)
[] Your Source for Quality Sound: Uplifting, melodic, vocal and progressive – GANORIUM Radio is a premium trance station from Germany, broadcasting only first-class tracks 24/7. Tune in and float away!
Omroep Venray 90.2 FM
Omroep Venray is een niet-commercieel publiek lokaal radiostation voor de gemeente Venray.
RadioCaster Stream
On Air:
Unspecified description
no name
On Air:
Megarock Radio - All Request Rock
On Air: Stone Temple Pilots - Dead & Bloated (Live)
All request rock radio, live 24/7. Where the listener rules! Request music at
On Air: Tarantolati di Tricarico - Taranta tricaricese
powered by Fluidstream
I Am Catholic Zambia online Radio
I AM CATHOLIC ZAMBIA is an initiative to promote the Catholic Faith and create a platform where Catholic Doctrine and teaching can be shared and accessed by all Catholics and those who want to know more about the Faith. This platform offers opportunities to listen to Catholic music, and we shall offer opportunities to buy music as well through this platform. Feel free to share resources through this platform that can be of use to all Catholic faithful. You can also request for any Catholic Song and it can be shared in accordance with the TC. Be blessed as you practice your Catholic Faith and be Proud to be a Catholic in Zambia, Here and Now!!! “For the Salvation of Souls”- St. Dominic De- Guzman
Radio Rosita
On Air: Unknown
De beste Oldies
1 Pure Alternative Radio
On Air: Fine%20Young%20Cannibals%20%2d%20Johnny%20Come%20Home
The latest in alternative rock, along with your all-time favorite alternative hits.
Otro Público
On Air: Nightmares On Wax - Imagineering
On Air: Loredana - Sonnenbrille
Rap sonst nix.
1000 Christmas
On Air: Sia - Santa's Coming For Us
Radio Trassa
On Air: Максим Заяц - Город Дождей; (RTRASSA.RU)
Radio Trassa - For those who are on the road and at home!
Stadsradio Halle
On Air: Jo Vally - Op Een Tafel Of Een Podium
Stadsradio Halle
Treehouse Radio
On Air: Maren Morris - Kingdom of One
Rooted in Great Music