Icecast Directory
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On Air: %d0%9c%2e%20%d0%9d%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%be%d1%85%d0%b8%d0%b6%d0%b8%d0%bd%20%2d%20%d0%9c%d0%be%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%be%d0%b2%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%b8%d0%b5%20%d0%be%d0%ba%d0%bd%d0%b0
Приглашаем вас в увлекательный мир советских песен. Как и много лет назад, эти песни дарят нам свою позитивную энергию и тепло, пробуждают лучшие воспоминания. Они наполнены светом и добротой, чувством гордости за свою страну, памятью о великих победах. Наполните свои сердца прекрасной музыкой и песнями, которые стали историей нашей страны… и нас с Вами!
On Air: U2 - Beautiful Day (radio) [2000]
Slow Radio Gold (love songs and romance)
On Air: Phil Collins - Another day in paradise
24/7 The best love songs and romance
Radio L'isola che non c'e'
On Air: Buonasera con Emanuel
Accendi la tua voglia di radio
Radio Scorpio
On Air: Nonkeen - Chasing God Through Palmyra
FM106 - Leuven
Radio Montana QC
On Air:
La Radio Web Country De Montreal
3ABN Radio Latino
On Air:
3ABN Radio Latino
Sunset Radio
On Air: Toprak & Michael Renard - Tot Hier En Niet Verder
Sunset Radio
Stadsradio Halle
On Air: Willy Sommers - Barbara
Stadsradio Halle
Koekstad Radio
On Air: Survivor - Burning Heart
De smaak van Deventer
Caraiba FM
On Air: Ao Vivo - Live Broadcast
Unspecified description
On Air: Madness - Baggy Trousers
The best of the 70s and 80s. We play them all! We are commercials free and here for you 24/7.
The Dump
On Air: The Dump - Internet Radio
If it's good, we'll play it
This is my server name
On Air: Shift Change - Wednesdays 6a to 7a and 6p to 7p Seg 1
This is my server description
1Mix Radio
On Air: Andrew PryLam @andrewprylam - Narratology Recordings ADE celebration guest mix [Replay]
Trance Stream
Lébénè Gospel
On Air: 01YOSUA SENYO - Miafe Mawu Lolo
Default description
Unnamed Server
On Air:
Unspecified description
No signal
On Air:
Central FM Radio Saarschleifenland
On Air: Queen - We Are The Champions
Central FM - aus Liebe zum Radio. Wir senden aus Merzig in alle Welt. Oldies, Rock, Pop
Mystère Mystère Radio
On Air: %20A%20tombeau%20ouvert%20%2d%20Les%20maitres%20du%20myst
La radio des maitres du mystère et tous les films radiophoniques des grandes heures de la radio en France.
Smooth Soul
On Air:
The Music of Love
On Air: Böhse Onkelz - Prawda
Wir lieben Deutschrock! Du auch? Super, dann schalte ein und lass es krachen.
On Air: 70-80 Ti Ricordi?
70 80
On Air: Aliento%2fLowsan%20Melgar%20%2d%20Entrego%20Todo%20%2d%20Traducci%c3%b3n%20Oficial
Timeless Taupo
On Air: Cilla Black - It's For You
Timeless Taupo 106.4
Metro Dance Radio SD - by Metro Cast Stations
On Air: Myron Eugene - In The Shadow of Giants (Original Mix)
On Air: βασιλης λεκας - σημαδεμενος απ την αγαπη
Εδώ ακούμε Ραδιόφωνο!
On Air: Rickie Lee Jones - Bye Bye Blackbird
Unspecified description
No signal
On Air:
On Air:
Unspecified description