Icecast Directory
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Donderschoer Radio
On Air: Neil Young - Rockin' In The Free World
Donderschoer Radio
Online Radio
On Air: Now Playing: Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Equinoxe FM
The Storm
On Air:
The Mellow Sound
On Air: Cat Stevens - Where Do The Children Play
The Mellow Sound
Online Radio
On Air: Aerosmith - Livin' On the Edge
Real Oldies 1250
On Air:
Unspecified description
V2 Radio
On Air: Heavy D & The Boyz - Now That We Found Love
V2 Radio - The Spirit of the South, West Sussex, UK
SuperNova FM
On Air:
My station description
Radio Rosita
On Air: Unknown
De beste Oldies
Radio Darmstadt (MP3)
On Air: RadaR - Streamstörung
Radio Darmstadt - das nichtkommerzielle Lokalradio für Darmstadt und Umgebung
On Air: Dj Online
On Air: Giorgos Xanthiotis - Diokse me (Live)
On Air:
Energy FM - Old School Classics
On Air: Cameo - Attack Me With Your Love
The best Disco, Dance, Soul, Funk and Pop for a feel good mood!
BluBlu Radio
On Air: Luciano FM - Mayday Off
Unspecified description
radio positiva
On Air:
radio positiva
On Air:
Unspecified description
Online Radio
On Air: lizzie miles and jelly roll morton - i hate a man like you
On Air: Covex - Wildfire
You are Listening to Kara live on Phoenix Radio visit say hi on the Phoenix Radio 1208 Telegram group or email
On Air:
This is my server description
IDN - Italian Dance Network
On Air: Small Town Boys - Nostalgia Di Te [Extended Mix]
Your ItaloDance Station
On Air: 03 Tiki Taka - 03 Tiki Taka
WHRW Binghamton
On Air:
Mp3 (320 Kbps)
Petőfi Rádió (mp3)
On Air:
Petőfi Rádió (mp3)
On Air:
Radio München
On Air: Live: Das Archiv - Jazz & Klassik Analog mit Larry Frenoga
Kultur und alles. Das Beste aus der lokalen Muenchener Musikszene.
Noordzee Gold
On Air: 1935: Fred Astaire - Cheek To Cheek
Ouderwetse radio
Qabayan Radio 94.3 FM
On Air:
The First and Only Filipino Radio Station in Qatar
Abee Chunes Radio
On Air: Mika Singh - Hadippa
East West North or South Abee Chunes Run Things All About
Traditional Catholic Radio
On Air: Sermon_The_Promises_of_the_Sacred_Heart
Traditional Roman Catholic Prayers and Conferences.