Icecast Directory

Genre “Alternative” Streams

Petőfi Rádió (mp3)
On Air: Zeneben elso!

Petőfi Rádió (mp3)

On Air: ROSSINI SURF RADIO: Counting Crows - Walkaways

Relaxed Tunes for Campfires, Coffeehouses and Surf sessions.. Folk, Folk Rock, Acoustic, Blues, Indie, Soft Rock, Reggae, Alternative and Ska. A relaxing groove 24x7, with Featured Live DJs.

Slammin Tunes
On Air:

Unspecified description

WBAN Banshee Radio
On Air: M.O.P., Adam F - Stand Clear (Origin Unknown Remix)

Banshee Radio is a Non-Profit Hobbyist Radio Station based out of New York.

JPopsuki Radio!
On Air:

Official Radio stream for JPopsuki 2.0

WBAN Banshee Radio
On Air: M.O.P., Adam F - Stand Clear (Origin Unknown Remix)

Banshee Radio is a Non-Profit Hobbyist Radio Station based out of New York.

Petőfi Rádió (ogg)
On Air:

Petőfi Rádió (ogg)

Radio Stadtfilter 96.3Mhz Studio 41 52 203 31 00 studio1 at
On Air: ,

Unspecified description

Petőfi Rádió (aac+)
On Air: Zeneben elso!

Petőfi Rádió (aac+)

Radio META CZ 2 - Sputnik
On Air: Ivana Regina Kupcová Sádlová - kartáøka, bylinkáøka, kouèka, spisovatelka, vìdma... Olda Duchoò - komentátor, bloger. - Znepokojivé údaje - lidstvo rychle hloupne, stoupá poèet sebevražd mladých,... Souèástí poøadu vìštìní zdarma.

Technicky stream 6

Alt FM
On Air: Drive - Incubus

Unspecified description