Icecast Directory
Genre “Oldies” Streams
On Air: Frans Bauer - Duizend Rode Rozen
Click Your Radio - Oldies
On Air: Rob%20Hoeke%20Rhythm%20%26%20Blues%20Group%20%2d%20Drinking%20on%20My%20Bed
Impala Radio 64Kbps
On Air: Conway Twitty - Touch The Hand (1975)
Low bitrate option
Merseyland Alternative Radio
On Air: 03-clive-45-mar-15-03-14
Beaming out Love Peace and Great Music
Oldies 104 - Streaming Your Favorites! - A Station
On Air: Ian Matthews - Shake It (Stereo Remaster) (Dick Bartley's Collector's Essentials: The '70s / 1978)
Oldies104 - The Greatest Hits of Yester-year!
On Air: Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (2004 Remaster)
If you like what you hear, turn it up!
Classics Radio
On Air: Now on Classics Radio - Back To The Sixties (10:00 - 11:00 CET)
...The Best Oldies !!! - Dein Webradio. / 64 kbp/s aac
On Air: Ottawan - Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart) -- 1981
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
Radio Calypso 675AM
On Air: Welkom bij Radio Calypso - Nu Non-Stop de beste muziekmix
Radio Calypso 675AM - Dein Webradio. / VBR opus
On Air:
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
RADIO fresh80s - Hier sind die Achtziger zuhause! (Mobile-Stream 96kb/s aac+)
On Air: Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Das deutsche 80er Jahre Radio | The German Eighties Channel
Oldies Online Radio
On Air: Timmy T - One More Try
RADIO fresh80s - Hier sind die Achtziger zuhause! (Mobile-Stream 48kb/s mp3)
On Air: Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Das deutsche 80er Jahre Radio | The German Eighties Channel
Internet Radio Eileen
On Air:
... dat moet je Horen en niet Zien!
Groove Radio
On Air: Groove Radio
Oldies Eurodance 80s 90s Dance Rock - Oldies
On Air: Ian Matthews - Shake It (Stereo Remaster) (Dick Bartley's Collector's Essentials: The '70s / 1978) - Oldies
On Air: Daryl%20Hall%20%26%20John%20Oates%20%2d%20Method%20Of%20Modern%20Love%20%28Album%20Version%29
More Than 4 Decades of Music And Today's Songs!
Master Radio Flashback
On Air: Santa%20Esmeralda%20%2d%20Don%27t%20Let%20Me%20Be%20Misunderstood
Decades Of Music!
America's Best Oldies
On Air: The%20Marvelettes%20%2d%20Don%27t%20Mess%20With%20Bill
Featuring all the hits of the Fabulous 50s and the Sensational 60s
Retro 104-7
On Air: BB. King - The Thrill Is Gone
Classics Radio
On Air: Now on Classics Radio - Back To The Sixties (10:00 - 11:00 CET)
...The Best Oldies !!!
Toms Club 70s
On Air: Candido - Jingo
The Breez Presents Your Christmas Station
On Air: The Breez Presents Your Christmas Station (AutoDJ): Glenn Miller Orchestra - Yuletide Medley #1 (Oh Holy Night/Joy To The World/Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem/Deck The Halls)
The Breez Presents Your Christmas Station, featuring the best traditional Christmas music classics of all time by some of the premiere artists, orchestras and groups.
Internet Radio Eileen
On Air: Pillbugs - Bright Green Nature Machine - The 3-Dimensional In-Popcycle Dream
... dat moet je Horen en niet Zien! - Dein Webradio. / 512 kbp/s opus
On Air:
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
Classics Radio
On Air:
...The Best Oldies !!!
On Air: John Rowles - Cheryl Moana Marie
Dein Radio mit Magie
Talk Network Radio
On Air: Sam Sims - Song: Make Me a Satellite (00:03:27) - Album: Moments
The 21st Century Way To Listen To LIVE RADIO! - Dein Webradio. / 160 kbp/s mp3
On Air: Ottawan - Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart) -- 1981
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
Riverwood Radio 2 (Oldies)
On Air:
All vinyl, all oldies