Icecast Directory
Genre “Rock” Streams
Country Rock Radio SD - By Metro Cast Stations
On Air: Country Rock Radio SD - By Metro Cast Stations
Violent Forces Radio: '80s Thrash
On Air:
'80s Thrash Metal 24/7!
The Animal
On Air: Argent - Hold Your Head Up - 1972
Classic Rock...Untamed!
All American Radio
On Air: Alan%20Jackson%20%2d%20It%27s%20Five%20O%27%20Clock%20Somewhere%20%28feat%2e%20Jimmy%20Buffett%29
This is my server name
On Air:
powered by Fluidstream
On Air: Scorpions - Loving You Sunday Morning
Supercharged Classic Rock
SL Network - La Radio Libre
On Air: Zeropage | Ambient India | 2006 Zeropage. Licensed to the public under verify at
SL Network diffuse 100% de musique sous licence libre Creative Commons afin de vous faire connaitre de nouveaux artistes independants !
[BACKUP] FREQUENCE 3 - La radio locale de la Touraine - 99.0 FM
On Air:
FREQUENCE 3 - La radio locale de la Touraine - 99.0 FM
#Puntedi100 24/7
On Air: punte130216 - Dein Webradio. / 64 kbp/s aac
On Air: Soraya - Suddenly -- 1996
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
Alternative Rock
On Air: Hoobastank - The Reason (Lyrics)
Alternative Rock - Play in your own rooms if you would like -
HITRADIO.BIZ - 50'S 60'S 70'S 80'S 90'S Oldies & More
On Air: Paul Mccartney - Goodnight Tonight
HITRADIO.BIZ - 50'S 60'S 70'S 80'S 90'S Oldies & More
On Air: Yes - Changes
wessex wire wave radio /caldwell college /uni. stellar radio
This is my server name
On Air:
This is my server description
This is my server name
On Air:
This is my server description
FreshRock Internet Radio Station
On Air: Никита Рубченко - Державний Гімн України National Anthem of Ukraine (Rock version by Nicky Rubchenko)
Свежий рок с приятным мелодичным запахом и драйвовым вкусом... \\ Ukrainian, Украина,
On Air:
100% Commercial Free Hits
Радио «Мира Белогорья»
On Air:
За основу музыкального эфира взят классический рок, к нему музыкальный редактор добавил лучшие образцы поп-рока, фанка, рок-н-ролла и песни маститых поп-музыкантов. Главное, что объединяет музыкальные треки в эфире, – они вне времени. - Dein Webradio. / VBR opus
On Air:
Wir spielen Musik von den 60ern bis Heute! Und immer um halb aktuelle Country-Music. Unser Motto: Früher war alles besser - zumindest musikalisch. ;-)
42fm radio station
On Air: Rhapsody of Fire - The Mystic Prophecy of the Demonknight: I. A New Saga Begins / II. Through the Portals of Agony / III. The Black Order / IV. Nekron's Bloody Rhymes / V. Escape From Horror
42fm --- the best radio station ever
Estacion Satelite
On Air: Hi-Fi Internet Stream
On Air:
More music more rock
Alternative Broadcast Technology
On Air: Alternative Broadcast Technology - ABT 2020-06-26 Halcyon
The most awesome mix tape your best friend never gave you.
Global Sport SUISSE
Global FM - Toute la musique que l'on aime
Snakeice's House of Beats (128kbps-IceCast)
On Air: Lady Gaga - Die With A Smile (Feat. Bruno Mars)
Gumbo Mix of Genre's from all eras of recorded sound
La Grosse Radio Rock Alternative - Pop Hits Legends Indie - From Paris -
On Air: Fat Jeff - Fly High
La Grosse Radio
On Air: Niels Van Gogh - Pulverturm
Internet Radio Eileen
On Air: Prince Buster - Dance Cleopatra Dance - Remember The 70's [Volume 2]
... dat moet je Horen en niet Zien!
Rock Radio America
On Air: Alice%20In%20Chains%20%2d%20Stone
Ράδιον. Radhion (64k)
On Air: Oh Hiroshima - Holding Rivers
Roaming in music