Icecast Directory

Genre “Rock” Streams

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.113FM Rockstar
On Air: Bill Withers - Use Me

Classic Rock

Delicious Agony
On Air: Cherry Red Records - Cherry Red Radio 34, from the 2023 album `Cherry Red Radio`

Your progressive rock radio 24 hours a day

On Air: lytse hille - ik kwam je tegen - YouTube title link title V

luister gezellig mee

Classic Rock Legends Radio
On Air: The Beatles - Dig A Pony

The Legends Live Here!!

On Air: Barry Manilow - Jingle Bells


Alternative Rock Variety
On Air: Tears For Fears - Astronaut - Astronaut

New Rock, Indie, Classic Alternative

Rebel 90.5 Logan, Brisbane
On Air: The Church - The Unguarded Moment

Rebel 90.5 Logan, Brisbane

FREQUENCE 3 - Une Rafale de Tubes sans pub et en FLAC !
On Air:

Une Rafale de Tubes sans pub et en FLAC !

Punkrockers Radio
On Air: Buster Shuffle - Wipe Your Nose

Punkrockers Radio - 24/7 Punkrock aus der Dose und Live-Shows!

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100 XR
On Air: Fontaines D.C. - Favourite |from: Romance (2024)

The Net's #1 Rock Station!

FREQUENCE 3 - Une Rafale de Tubes sans pub en HD !
On Air: Alex Warren & Ella Henderson - Carry You Home

Une Rafale de Tubes sans pub en HD !
On Air: Lemongrass - Ocean of Love
On Air: Lemongrass - Ocean of Love

TotalRock Livestream
On Air: TotalRock - The True Voice Of Rock & Metal since 2000

Metal is a state of mind

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On Air: Motorhead - No Class

Supercharged Classic Rock

Masala Radio
On Air:

Unspecified description
On Air: Lemongrass - Ocean of Love

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Una breve descripci

Qabayan Radio 94.3 FM
On Air:

The First and Only Filipino Radio Station in Qatar

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On Air: String Cheese Incident - Texas

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On Air: Johnny Hallyday - Les mauvais garcons

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Excelsior FM 106.1 - Streamig HD
On Air:

Excelsior FM 106.1 - Streamig HD

Uturn Radio: Classic Rock Music
On Air: Sweet - Little Willy

Listen to the best Classic Rock Music on the internet.

FREQUENCE 3 - La radio locale de la Touraine - 99.0 FM
On Air: Alex Warren & Ella Henderson - Carry You Home

FREQUENCE 3 - La radio locale de la Touraine - 99.0 FM

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IP music SLOW - aacPlus@96 Kb/s
On Air: ***

This is IP music live from Switzerland, all the best slows, no talk!